Fuji-Q Highland Fuji-Q Highland

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Login for Fuji-Q highland membership members

  • What's News


Thank you very much for your patronage of Fuji-Q Highland.
We would like to Park Info you that Fuji-Q highland membership members will no longer be able to log in using their Yahoo! JAPAN ID.

≪Yahoo! JAPAN ID login end date≫
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

≪How to log in after Yahoo! JAPAN ID ends≫
・You can log in using the "email address" and "password" you registered when registering as a member.
*The member information you entered when you registered as a member will not be updated, so you can continue to use it.


Contents to be included in Contact Us email

Subject: Contact Us about login for Fuji-Q highland membership members

If you would like to register as a new member,
Click here (https://members.fujiq.jp/club/regist) to register as a new member using your email address.